【哈利波特之晨光】小说免费阅读,请收藏 一七小说【1qxs.com】
鲁昂虽然不是海港,却聚集了很多水手,在老集市广场的另一边有一家名为“丰盛号角”(la corne d’abondance)的酒店,从里面传来欢乐的歌声。
There once was a ship that put to sea,曾经有一艘船出海,
And the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea,这艘船的名字叫 Billy o' Tea,
The winds blew up , her bow dipped down,随着风吹起,她扬帆起航,
Blow my bully boys blow(Huh!),吹吧,使劲吹,
Soon may the Wellerman come,过不了多久,“茶壶号”就要来了,
To bring us sugar and tea and rum,给我们带来糖、茶和朗姆酒,
One day when the tonguin' is done,当捕捉的鲸鱼被处理完,
We'll take our leave and go,我们走吧,再度出发,
She had not been two weeks from shore,她离开海岸还不到两星期,
When down on her a right whale bore,正好有一只鲸鱼在她下方钻来钻去,
The captain called all hands and swore,船长对所有船员发誓,
He'd take that whale in tow(Huh!),他将把鲸鱼捕捞上岸,
Soon may the Wellerman come,过不了多久,“茶壶号”就要来了,
To bring us sugar and tea and rum,给我们带来糖、茶和朗姆酒,
One day when the tonguin' is done,当捕捉的鲸鱼被处理完,