第九章 丰盛号角(上)(3/6)

  【哈利波特之晨光】小说免费阅读,请收藏 一七小说【1qxs.com】

  For forty days, or even more,过了四十天,甚至不只四十天,

  The line went slack, then tight once more,拴住鲸鱼的绳子时紧时松,

  All boats were lost, there were only four,我们只剩下四只船,其他船都不知去向,

  But still that whale did go,但鲸鱼还在,

  Soon may the Wellerman come,过不了多久,“茶壶号”就要来了,

  To bring us sugar and tea and rum,给我们带来糖、茶和朗姆酒,

  One day when the tonguin' is done,当捕捉的鲸鱼被处理完,

  We'll take our leave and go,我们走吧,再度出发,

  As far as I've heard, the fight's still on,据我所知,战斗还在进行中,

  The line's not cut and the whale's not gone,绳子还没剪断,鲸鱼还没离开,

  The Wellerman makes his a regular call,“茶壶号”不断鸣号,

  To encourage the Captain, crew and all,鼓励着船长、船员和所有一切,

  Soon may the Wellerman come,过不了多久,“茶壶号”就要来了,

  To bring us sugar and tea and rum,给我们带来糖、茶和朗姆酒,

  One day when the tonguin' is done,当捕捉的鲸鱼被处理完,

  We'll take our leave and go,我们走吧,再度出发,

  Soon may the Wellerman come,过不了多久,“茶壶号”就要来了,



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