第一百四十六章 All I ask(4/6)

  【哈利波特之晨光】小说免费阅读,请收藏 一七小说【1qxs.com】

  No more talk of darkness (不再谈论黑暗)

  Forget these wide-eyed fears (忘记这些恐怖的事)

  I'm here, nothing can harm you (我在这,没有什么能伤害你了)

  My words will warm and calm you (我的话给你温暖安心)

  Let me be your freedom (让我成为你的自由)

  Let daylight dry your tears (让晨曦擦干你的泪水)

  I'm here with you beside you (我在这里,在你身旁)

  To guard you and to guide you (保护你,指引你)

  Christine :

  Say you love me every waking moment (说你在每一个清醒时刻都爱我)

  Turn my head with talk ofsummertime(用夏日的美好使我忘记恐惧)

  Say you need me with you now and always(说你需要我,现在和永远)

  Promise me that all you say is true(许诺你的话都出自肺腑间)

  That's all I ask of you (除此我别无所求)

  Raoul :

  Let me be your shelter(让我为你遮风挡雨)

  Let me be your light (让我为你带来曙光)

  You're safe no one will find you(你很安全,没人会再纠缠)

  Your fears are far behind you(你所恐惧之物远在千里)


  All I want is freedom (可我想要的是自由)

  A world with no more night (再没长夜漫漫)



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